Welcome to
First Congregational
United Church of Christ, Santa Rosa
Making God's Love Visible
Our Sunday Morning Service is at 10:00 AM. We warmly welcome you to join us! Click here for more information.
Our Location
Located in the Santa Rosa Junior College neighborhood at:
About Us
We are an Open and Affirming Christian congregation. Friendly and welcoming, we seek to increase our love for one another, build our faith, and work together towards social and economic justice.
We would love to hear from you. Feel free to give us a shout and connect with us.
We're doing STAR words again this year. You can contact the church office to have one sent to you or pick one up at church.
Star Words are random words that you pull out or someone else pulls out for you. Your word is especially for you to think and pray about during 2025.
Bible Verses That Speak to Us
A dear parishioner passed away over 10 years ago from cancer. She was far too young. Above was her daily morning scripture she said aloud (or sang) as she went through the trials of chemotherapy, radiation, etc.
Stop and think about scripture(s) that have helped you in your life. Maybe mark them in your Bible or put them on a post-it somewhere to remind yourself of God's love and presence.
Ash Wednesday, March 4th
Easter, April 20th
Look under our EVENTS section to see our planned Lenten Events. Lenten Devotionals are available in the at the back of our Sanctuary.