In Community
Through education, study, and gathering.
Scroll down for Children, Youth, Bible Study, Devotions, Prayer Shawl Ministry.
Babies, Toddlers, and Children!
We welcome all children in our worship with open arms.
Babies - YES!
Toddlers - YES!
Preschoolers - YES!
Children with disabilities - YES!
Youth - YES!
We have a rocking chair ready just for you and your baby!
We also have a table at the back of the sanctuary with crafts, books, etc. for children to enjoy at the table or in their seats near their parents.
Sunday School is on a hiatus until further notice.
Some of oiur youth recently participated in a two night mission trip to San Francisco.
Summer camp information should be coming out soon in the weekly Mailchimp.
Book Study
Book groups happen several times a year. Check you church email for more information.
Weekly Devotions
A Moment’s Contemplation
Tuesdays at 9am on Zoom*
Led by Pastor Diana Bell-Kerr
Join us for a weekly Lectio Divina meditation, a twenty minute timeout on Tuesdays at 9 AM. Lectio Divina is a way of listening to/for God by praying with scripture in a slow, repetitive way. This practice goes back to early centuries of Christianity (6th century?!) when it was a regular prayer practice for monks and clergy in the western church traditions. We will engage in this form of prayer as we read a scripture slowly, listening to what may arise as we read. Then we will read it again, and again, noticing what comes forward and grabs our attention each time.
Contact the church office to sign up:
Coffee Hour and Community
On Sundays after worship we enjoy coffee hour with light snacks. Also, there are our regular potlucks and lunches...mmmm...sometimes with a forum on a topic of social justice, etc.
Prayer Shawls
We LOVE our knitters, crocheters and fabric artists! If you'd like to help in this Ministry of Care by making prayer shawls of comfort for those in the midst of challenging circumstances, contact the church office for more information. Bless you.