Faith and Justice in Action


Support for LGBTQ+



We have marched in our local Gay Pride parade every year here in Santa Rosa and sometimes in SF too. 



We're a Just Peace Church


We are a JUST PEACE Church. Whether through our local work towards racial and economic justice or throught the peace efforts in the world via the UCC, we are there.

For more information on what that means to our community, country and world click here.


Redwood Empire Food Bank



Our church supports Redwood Empire Food Bank in several ways, including monetary donations. Our Outreach Team also arranges group work days from time to time there! If you're interested in joining us next time, email our church office at and we will contact you. It's a fun, busy, and day and rewarding day!

Black Lives Matter

Our congregation has and continues to support racial justice including Black Lives Matter.

Our Peace Pole 

Our church has a Peace Pole in the front of our sanctuary.  A Peace Pole is an internationally recognized symbol of the hopes and dreams of the entire human family, standing vigil in silent prayer for peace on earth.


 Agencies We Support

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Our congregation and members consistently support many local, national, and worldwide groups that provide outreach in different communities. 

UCC Five for Five 

We are a “Five for Five” church within our denomination meaning our congregation supports all special and mission offerings during the church year.

Serving Within


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Our church glorifies God through many forms of musical expression. The music you’ll hear here includes traditional hymns, choral music, jazz piano, pipe organ, flute, percussion instruments and acoustic guitar.  The choir, a diverse group of folks who like to sing, provides music for most Sunday services during the year.

Liturgical Art

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Artistic-minded members are encouraged to express themselves through First Congregational’s Liturgical Art.

Council and Committees

Serving on committees and church council is a very important part of an active church.   

Most church activities are impossible without a structure supporting them.  Our council, which is a governing board, and the committees provide that structure.  If you're interested in serving on a committee, please let our pastor or moderator know.  

Meal Train

When a member of our church family has a need for help with meals, we get the Meal Train going! We can always use volunteers to prepare meals (or get Take Out) for those in need.

Please contact the church office to learn more or email Judy Adams. 

Other Opportunities to Serve

Our congregation has many ways to serve. Is something calling you? Listen inside yourself. Might it be helping with hospitality, praying for others, assisting with special projects, sending cards, etc? Whatever is calling you, we hope you'll trust the spirit and respond "Yes!"